Entries by CCGadmin8

Questioning & Associating Skills and Innovation

This is the last in a series of posts on the book: “The Innovator’s DNA” by Dyer, Gregersen, and Christensen. They identified five skills for disruptive innovators: Observing, Networking, Experimenting, Questioning, and Associating. Questioning – In innovation, asking the right questions in the right way, is as critical as finding the answers. If the right […]

The Value of Experimenting – The Innovator’s DNA

This is the third of five key skills of highly successful innovators from the book: “The Innovator’s DNA” by Dyer, Gregersen, and Christensen. The first two, Observing and Networking, provide links between an R&D organization and the outside world. This is absolutely critical to increasing the frequency and quality of new insights. However, these two […]

Networking – The Innovator’s DNA

From the perspective of a leader of a team tasked with driving innovation, the second most critical skill from The Innovator’s DNA is Networking. The previous post covered Observing, which is primarily focused on learning from the market (consumers & customers). Networking is critical to learn from other industries, markets, regions, vendors, etc… Most people […]

Observing – The Innovator’s DNA

In a previous post, I recommended The Innovator’s DNA by Dyer, Gregersen, and Christensen. Their five skills of innovators are critical for both individuals and organizations to be successful at innovating. While the book lists “Observing” as the third skill, in my view this is the number one trait to worry about when it comes […]

The Innovator’s DNA

For most companies, long term strategy and innovation are inseparable topics when it comes to driving long term growth and value creation. This blog is dedicated to insights on how to develop and execute winning strategies for growth. Searching on Amazon today, there are more than 47,000 books related to Innovation and more than 126,000 […]


Chanute Consulting Group is happy to have our website go live in March 2012. We are now working with our initial clients on addressing their strategic and innovation challenges. We are also dedicating time to work with students locally at the University of Illinois in Champaign, to create an environment where we can grow the […]